Tracey is an experienced educator who works with all ages to provide a solid, well rounded music education and experience. She is a community minded individual who also volunteers with youth to help to mold them into productive and caring members of society. She has been a music teacher of general music, choral and beginning band at Grymes Memorial School since 2007. She has directed musicians of all ages and abilities since 1993 when she graduated from the University of Southwestern Louisiana with a Master of Music in Instrumental Conducting.
As well as being the music teacher at Grymes Memorial School, she is also the Director of Student Activities and Transportation at Woodberry Forest School where she manages the travel arrangements for almost 400 students and plan all the on and off campus activities.
She is also very active in the Boy Scouts of America as a Cubmaster of Pack 14 and assists with Troop 100 at Woodberry. She works with training the adult leadership as Roundtable Commissioner and is on staff of Wood Badge. She recently received the Silver Beaver Award for distinguished service to the youth of Stonewall Jackson Area Council. Tracey and her family live in Madison County.
Greg is pleased to be joining the Orange Community Chorus. Originally from Chicago, where he was an accompanist, rehearsal pianist,
music director, and periodic choral conductor, Greg has had numerous music directing credits at every venue in the greater Charlottesville area over the past twenty‐five years. He has music
directed over 85 different productions during that time, and also founded and ran New Lyric Theatre for the nine years in which it produced Gilbert & Sullivan operettas in
Charlottesville. Greg studied with Raya Langendorf and Edward Mondello in Chicago, and at DePaul University. During the day, Greg is CFO of a management company in
Charles Torian
Charles is a native of Hampton, Virginia. He graduated from the U.S. Navy School of Music, and became a member of the U.S. Navy Band in Washington, D.C. where he performed as an Oboist and English Horn soloist. Subsequently earning a B.S. in music from Frederick College and a M.S. in Music Education from Virginia Commonwealth University, he taught band and choral music in public school systems for 25 years, and functioned as music director in a number of churches. Today he not only serves as director of the Orange Community Band, but as one of two Assistant Conductors of the Charlottesville Municipal Band. He also performs as a free-lance Oboist/English Hornist, and has composed or arranged nearly 200 works for a variety of musical ensembles.
Albert E. Packard
Albert Packard holds a BA in Music from the University of Maine and BS in Education from Gorham State College with graduate studies in choral conducting from Boston University and the Academy of Music in Vienna, Austria. He taught public school music and performed in professional summer stock theater for eighteen years. He has sung in or directed church choirs for over forty years.